Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay about Vouchers and School Choice - Vouchers are...
School Vouchers: Not the Solution As standardized test scores continue to plummet and our nation falls farther behind such industrial rivals as Germany, England, Australia and Japan in comparable education, parents are questioning the current system of education. After being kicked around the national agenda for decades, the school voucher issue is finally being emphasized in several state legislatures, as well as in Congress. In the website titled Vouchers: No, but...Taxpayer Help to Parents will Advance Separation, David Bahurlich reinforces his support of school vouchers, both publicly and privately funded, in an attempt to show that vouchers will lead to a better quality of education for the children in our school system†¦show more content†¦There are several equally strong arguments for this type of system. In the 70s, the primary argument for vouchers was presented by Milton Friedman, who thought that by taking the money out of the government and putting it into the hands of the citizens to be spent on their childrens education many of the bureaucratic steps involved in the schooling process would be eliminated, leading to a more efficient establishment (Educational Issues, Short Takes). This efficiency would lower the overall cost and increase quality, as reforms would be able to occur at a quicker rate (Recent Education, Henderson). This has given way to the emphasis on the empowerment of the parents, allowing them to have more input on the education of their children (Educational Issues). Sister Mary Virginia of Santa Teresita School thinks that it is necessary for us to adopt a system where lower-income or inner city parents are able to send their kids to a school where religious values are taught, whether those are Christian values or of another religious sect. She further argues that as it is now, only the children of wealthy families can get a good education, leaving poorer households unable to pull themselves out of poverty (Privately Funded). The California Voucher Initi ative follows this line of reasoning and states that by doing so, there is no added cost burden on the taxpayer, making it possible to better our schools without shelling out more money to do soShow MoreRelated School Vouchers Essay1467 Words  | 6 PagesSchool Vouchers      School vouchers can be described as financial funding given to students who elect not to attend public schools. Therefore the government would not be spending money educating that student in a public school. A school voucher is the allotment of money that the government would have used for that student to attend public school. This money is then given to the family of the student to help fund the education of that student. 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